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PawProof™ Anti-Flea & Tick Collar

PawProof™ Anti-Flea & Tick Collar

Regular price $29.99 USD
Regular price $39.99 USD Sale price $29.99 USD
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Refund policy?

We confidently offer a 3-month money-back guarantee, as we believe our Pawproof collar will contribute to your pet's well-being. If you're not satisfied, please reach out to us via email at for a refund. Your pet's satisfaction is our priority.

Is the size appropriate for my dog?

Certainly! Yes, the Pawproof collar is designed to fit all dogs sized S-XL, with an adjustable length of 25 inches.

Your Pet's Well-Being

Guard your pet with our PawProof collar—defense against fleas and ticks. ACT NOW for constant peace of mind.

Fit For All Sizes
Natural Ingredients
Total Defense

Universal fit for all breeds.

Easily trim and customize our PawShield anti-flea and tick collar to perfectly fit your beloved furry companion.

Say goodbye to chemicals! Our PawProof Flea & Tick Collar offers a natural, healthy solution for keeping pests at bay.


Ensure your pet's constant protection with the PawProof anti-flea and tick collar.

A lone tick can lay 3000 eggs daily, posing health risks to your pet. Beyond bites, it's the diseases they carry that are most concerning.

  • Elena Ramirez
    "Unbeatable Defense!"
    This flea and tick collar from Poochss is a lifesaver! Our pup was constantly scratching and biting due to fleas, but since we started using this collar, the difference has been amazing. Easy to put on, long-lasting, and most importantly, effective! Highly recommend!
  • Amelia Baker
    "Affordable and Effective!"
    The PawPoof flea and tick collar delivers top-notch protection at a price that won't break the bank. As a pet owner, finding an affordable solution without sacrificing quality is paramount, and this collar exceeds expectations. Don't let the low price fool you—it's highly effective and budget-friendly. A must-have for every pet owner!
  • Ethan Williams
    "A Must-Have for Pet Owners!"
    If you're a pet owner, this product is an absolute essential. Since using it on my own furry friend, I've seen a remarkable improvement in his comfort and well-being. It's easy to use, effective, and offers long-lasting protection against pesky parasites. Trust me, your pet will thank you!


Upon Contact, our PawProof collar actively fends off and eliminates fleas. It releases harmless ingredients to form a defensive barrier around your pet's neck, effectively deterring ticks and fleas.

PawProof's flea and tick collar prioritizes pet safety. It's non-toxic, chemical-free, complies with safety standards, and contains safe, natural ingredients—ensuring effective protection without any harmful substances.

Putting on the Pawproof collar is a breeze! Just wrap it around your pet's neck, leaving room for two fingers to fit comfortably between the collar and the skin. Adjust for a snug fit, ensuring it's tight enough for security but not too constricting for your pet's comfort.